Kitchen vent installation is another service Dryer vent cleaner offers. Many customers came to us after not being able to find a company that would install their kitchen hood exhaust vent. The picture above was in a home that for 9 years they were running the fan into the cupboard. The reason they could not Read more…
117 Pine Cones Found in Dryer Vent Cause Dryer to Take Ages to Dry
Squirrel stashes 117 pine cones for winter in dryer vent, causing the dryer to take ages to dry and could have led to a dryer fire. Our pest proof vent caps prevent pest from entering your dryer vent
Burning Smell From Dryer
A burning smell from the dryer can be several things, most often it is lint build up inside the clothes dryer. Learn how to prevent your dryer from smelling
Dryer Side Vent Installation
Dryer Side Vent Installation allows your dryer to vent properly when the space is restricted. We see so many dryers where venting from the side is a better option
How Dryer Fires Happen – Are You at Risk of a Dryer Fire?
Shocking video shows how dryer fires happen, lint builds up through the dryer vent and into the dryer itself. Over time this lint can build up around the element which ignites
Keeping Mice Out of Your Dryer Vent With a Pest Proof Vent Cap
Keeping mice out of your dryer vent can be done easily with a pest proof vent cap. This is the safest way to ensure pest free efficient drying of clothes. Putting a screen over your dryer vent should not be done
How To Test Your Smoke Alarm
Pressing the test button on your smoke alarm does not mean your home and family are safe in the event of a fire. Discover the best way to be safe at home, knowing your smoke alarm works!
Smoke Alarm Replacement
Did you know that nearly 50% of all home fires are a direct result of improper smoke alarm installation? It’s true. Many of these smoke detectors are improperly installed from the start or the property owners have failed to replace the devices at the proper times. Or worse, some people simply refuse to install new Read more…
Vent Cap Replacement
Are your vent covers looking worn out and in need of replacement? Worn vent caps should be replaced to prevent pests getting in and to prevent cold air blowing back inside your home. We replace and fix missing or damaged vent covers.
Dryer Vent Installation Done Right After 9 Years
Professional dryer vent installation will ensure the safest and most efficient setup for your dryer. Install your dryer vent properly first time